Kao-Chia Community participation | GPPS Sheet, Acrylic Sheet and PE Products Plastic Sheets Manufacturer Since 1990 | Kao-Chia Plastics Co., Ltd.

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Kao-Chia Community participation

Kao-Chia Community participation

Take it from society, use it from society.

"Love for Daj-ia Free Spirit" to Daj-ia National Elementary School

Kao-Chia Plastics Company donated this unique and crafted artistic sculpture, named "Love for Daj-ia Free Spirit" to Daj-ia National Elementary School for campus beautification. This sculpture reflects our company's love for music and artistic talent, as well as our commitment to the development of arts education for the younger generation.

Kao-Chia Plastics Company donated this unique and crafted artistic sculpture, named "Love for Daj-ia Free Spirit" to Daj-ia National Elementary School for campus beautification. This sculpture reflects our company's love for music and artistic talent, as well as our commitment to the development of arts education for the younger generation.

Kao-Chia Plastics Company donated this unique and crafted artistic sculpture, named "Love for Daj-ia Free Spirit" to Daj-ia National Elementary School for campus beautification. This sculpture reflects our company's love for music and artistic talent, as well as our commitment to the development of arts education for the younger generation.

Inspired by the flute, the artwork presents a lively and joyful scene. A young girl sits casually on a stone, playing a relaxing tune on her flute. The notes float in the air like silk, blending her soul and talent into the music and creating a beautiful image. The graceful melody of the flute echoes in our ears as if we are immersed in a beautiful composition. This peaceful and delightful atmosphere allows students to experience a serene and wonderful emotional state.

Inspired by the flute, the artwork presents a lively and joyful scene. A young girl sits casually on a stone, playing a relaxing tune on her flute. The notes float in the air like silk, blending her soul and talent into the music and creating a beautiful image. The graceful melody of the flute echoes in our ears as if we are immersed in a beautiful composition. This peaceful and delightful atmosphere allows students to experience a serene and wonderful emotional state.

Inspired by the flute, the artwork presents a lively and joyful scene. A young girl sits casually on a stone, playing a relaxing tune on her flute. The notes float in the air like silk, blending her soul and talent into the music and creating a beautiful image. The graceful melody of the flute echoes in our ears as if we are immersed in a beautiful composition. This peaceful and delightful atmosphere allows students to experience a serene and wonderful emotional state.

Inspired by the flute, the artwork presents a lively and joyful scene. A young girl sits casually on a stone, playing a relaxing tune on her flute. The notes float in the air like silk, blending her soul and talent into the music and creating a beautiful image. The graceful melody of the flute echoes in our ears as if we are immersed in a beautiful composition. This peaceful and delightful atmosphere allows students to experience a serene and wonderful emotional state.

The completion of "Love for Da-jia" brings visual and spiritual enjoyment to the students of Da-jia National Elementary School. This artwork is not only a decoration for the campus but also a perfect fusion of art and music, showcasing the school's determination and efforts in beautifying the campus environment and promoting arts and culture education. It enriches students' knowledge of arts and culture, ignites their passion for art, and nurtures their aesthetic sense and creativity. By appreciating artworks, students can broaden their horizons, stimulate their desire to explore and create art and contribute cultural charm to the campus.

The completion of "Love for Da-jia" brings visual and spiritual enjoyment to the students of Da-jia National Elementary School. This artwork is not only a decoration for the campus but also a perfect fusion of art and music, showcasing the school's determination and efforts in beautifying the campus environment and promoting arts and culture education. It enriches students' knowledge of arts and culture, ignites their passion for art, and nurtures their aesthetic sense and creativity. By appreciating artworks, students can broaden their horizons, stimulate their desire to explore and create art and contribute cultural charm to the campus.

The completion of "Love for Da-jia" brings visual and spiritual enjoyment to the students of Da-jia National Elementary School. This artwork is not only a decoration for the campus but also a perfect fusion of art and music, showcasing the school's determination and efforts in beautifying the campus environment and promoting arts and culture education. It enriches students' knowledge of arts and culture, ignites their passion for art, and nurtures their aesthetic sense and creativity. By appreciating artworks, students can broaden their horizons, stimulate their desire to explore and create art and contribute cultural charm to the campus.

The completion of "Love for Da-jia" brings visual and spiritual enjoyment to the students of Da-jia National Elementary School. This artwork is not only a decoration for the campus but also a perfect fusion of art and music, showcasing the school's determination and efforts in beautifying the campus environment and promoting arts and culture education. It enriches students' knowledge of arts and culture, ignites their passion for art, and nurtures their aesthetic sense and creativity. By appreciating artworks, students can broaden their horizons, stimulate their desire to explore and create art and contribute cultural charm to the campus.

The completion of "Love for Da-jia" brings visual and spiritual enjoyment to the students of Da-jia National Elementary School. This artwork is not only a decoration for the campus but also a perfect fusion of art and music, showcasing the school's determination and efforts in beautifying the campus environment and promoting arts and culture education. It enriches students' knowledge of arts and culture, ignites their passion for art, and nurtures their aesthetic sense and creativity. By appreciating artworks, students can broaden their horizons, stimulate their desire to explore and create art and contribute cultural charm to the campus.

The completion of "Love for Da-jia" brings visual and spiritual enjoyment to the students of Da-jia National Elementary School. This artwork is not only a decoration for the campus but also a perfect fusion of art and music, showcasing the school's determination and efforts in beautifying the campus environment and promoting arts and culture education. It enriches students' knowledge of arts and culture, ignites their passion for art, and nurtures their aesthetic sense and creativity. By appreciating artworks, students can broaden their horizons, stimulate their desire to explore and create art and contribute cultural charm to the campus.